OpenPOWER Members at Open Compute Summit Detail Their Barreleye Plans
Published on Wednesday 9 March 2016
By Sam Ponedal, Social Strategist
Last year at Open Compute Summit,OpenPOWER member Rackspace stole the show when they announced their plans to develop Barreleye, their new mega-server built with open standards across the board. In the year since, OpenPOWER members have jumped on the Barreleye bandwagon, and it’s easy to see why when Barreleye was described by Rackspace’s Aaron Sullivan as having “the capacity for phenomenal virtual machine, container, and bare metal compute services.”
At Open Compute Summit 2016, we caught up with three of our members, Mark III Systems, StackVelocity, and Penguin Computing to learn what they have planned for Barreleye. Here’s what they said:
Mark III Systems
Andy Lin, Vice President, Strategy
Mark III Systems is currently working with our OpenPOWER community ecosystem partners to develop and bring to market Barreleye systems, enabled by OpenPOWER technologies, within an Open Compute Project architectural design. It’s our current plan to work toward enabling enterprises and service providers across North America to acquire this compelling, cloud-centric platform through Mark III and for our team of engineers to provide value-added expertise and services to empower our clients to be successful at all stages of the system’s product lifecycle, when needed. As a long-time IBM Premier Business Partner with strong architectural and execution expertise around both POWER-based systems and cloud tech stacks, we’re very excited at the unique value proposition that Barreleye presents for not only our hyperscale, analytics, and cloud-focused clients, but also the potential possibilities for all enterprises as Barreleye adoption grows in lockstep with the OpenPOWER community.
Penguin Computing
Jussi Kukkonen, Director of Product Management
Since its inception in 1998, Penguin Computing’s focus has been providing customers choice and flexibility by enabling open source systems in the data center. This pursuit of platform choices led Penguin to join the Open Compute Project in 2013 and OpenPOWER Foundation in 2015. Our introduction of the Penguin Magna 1015 system combines the OpenPOWER processor platform with the Open Compute Project physical form factor. This architecture is consistent with Penguin’s continuing commitment and investment in Open Compute Project and emphasis on customer-driven choice. Penguin’s well established Linux practice, solution delivery and support capabilities are now available to customers evaluating and deploying OpenPOWER solutions.
By Ray Salgado, Business Unit Director
StackVelocity has the capability to integrate, configure, test and deploy quality Barreleye systems as part of our Cloud Services. We target large scale data center deployments with our services, and using our vast network of distribution sites, our services are available on a global basis. Our engineering teams can architect customized solutions that incorporate Barreleye into any configuration from the simple to the most complex; just give us the specification and we can deliver your solution. Our manufacturing capacity is significant, in fact we can build 1000’s of systems on a tight timeline and ship anywhere in the world. We can have any international certifications tested and approved as part of the statement of work.